Tuesday 10 February 2015

Vet Visit

Hello, again!

We (Fiona and I) brought Maxie to the vet for her annual vaccination recently. As you may have guessed, it took a bit of an effort to get kitty into her carrier bag. It's almost as though she knew this wasn't a drive to mum's place or somewhere else, but that it was to the vet.

Nevertheless, despite her protests, we managed to bundle the kitty cat into her carrier and into the car. Having decided to change vets this time, Maxie wasn't too sure what to expect. We arrived in due course and without much ado (wow, NO waiting time!), we were ushered into the treatment room.

Different vet, different clinic, same cold stainless steel counter. Maxie was lifted protestingly onto the counter top to await veterinary attention.

I dislike stainless steel countertops!

First came the weighing scale...

Why am I here?

Take me away please, daddy.

"Why are we here, daddy? Why are you weighing me? I don't like this, I wanna go home!" kitty wailed.

Then the vet came in.

"Hullo there!" came the friendly greeting.

"Eep! Who are you? Get away from me!" cried my cat.

Unhand me, you beast!

The vet was experienced in the escaping routines of cats, it would seem, as he had her in a firm grip faster than you can say, "Anchovies!" Maxie submitted with ill-grace to his manhandling, er, examination of her body.

We got through the usual question and answer session about her eating, her toilet, etc.

I haven't eaten today, stop digging for food!

Don't touch me, daddy, I hate you!

"I can't believe you're doing this to me. I'll never forgive you!" hissed Maxie when the vet left the room to grab the vaccine and dewormer.

Ouch! That hurts! Daddy, it hurts...

The jab went in without much fuss, as the vet was pretty quick (well worth the extra cost compared to the hassle we went through at a cheaper vet last year). Next, came the deworming pill...

"Be a good kitty, you need to eat this or you can't leave the room," cajoled the vet.


In popped the pill, up went Maxie's mouth, clamp went the vet's thumb as he stroked her throat until she swallowed.

"Let's just make sure you haven't tricked me," said the vet while he checked her mouth again to see if the pill was secreted in some nook of her cheek. Believe me, Maxie can pretend to be a hamster in an expert fashion when it comes to pills, speaking from personal experience.

The vet and I had a little chat about cat health, and it would appear that I've been overly generous with the tuna. So, kitty will be dieting soon. :X

Throughout my conversation with the vet, kitty was clinging to me in a manner not befitting her princess rank (for the first time in my life too, for that matter).

Whatever I've done, I'm sorry, Please take me home.

Kitty was subdued on the way back, and went slinking to a corner to recover her dignity. Thankfully, there were no unpleasant aftermaths and she was back to her usual standoffish self again within hours. Until next year.... heh heh heh.

PS: I may be taking a writing break over the Chinese New Year period, so I reckon I'll see you again next "year"!

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