Wednesday 21 May 2014

A Tale of Two Kitties

Hey, peeps! Sorry about the delay in this week's installment of my blog. Had a busy weekend and just found the time to start writing now.

So, in a semi-continuation of my previous post, I'll be writing about the interactions between Maxie and Garfield this week since that's an obvious follow-up, and I've little other material from Maxie ever since Garfield joined our little household. I'm sorry to say that I haven't much inspiration to write (perhaps it's the fatigue) but I'm determined to do my best to stick to my one entry/week resolution. Therefore, please bear with me if the writing style isn't as upbeat and/or interesting in my usual mien.

Firstly, Garfield has taken to eating kibble (finally!) and is filling out quite well. That, and the the exercise he's been getting with his foster mummy, Maxie.

No longer skin-and-bones

The little kitten can be quite demanding of attention, he meows me awake (from the next room) and gets Maxie to meow me awake too if I dillied and dallied around. The two have bonded rapidly, and instead of cuddling with me in the morning, the first order of business on my princess's mind in the mornings is to paw at the door of our (yes, our) room, and then paw at Garfield's door, demanding to be let in.

Maxie's taken on a maternal role with Garfield quite readily after the initial introductions, and would always groom him when I let Garfield out of his cage; well, until he's tired of it anyway.

After the mandatory grooming session, little Garfield will excitedly initiate play with his new mama cat. Maxie is rediscovering her playful side (she's had a deprived childhood, sad to say...) with Garfield's antics. Sometimes, they'll progress from grooming to play immediately:

*lick lick lick*

Paw on the nose, "That's enough, ma!"

Maxie backing off
"I wanna play!"


Wrestlemania, kitty-style!
This typically degenerates into a frenetic display of "Let's watch two crazy cats run around in a small room". Times like these I usually sit in the chair or bed with my legs up and watch them bleed off their excess energy.

When they're not playing catch, they play "Whac-a-mole" with each other on the side of the bed or on the chair.

"This time, I get to go up!" says Garfield

I see you!

When all else fails, they also revert to the old standby of Hide-and-seek:


However, Maxie being not full of unlimited energy like Garfield is, frequently stops play halfway through and hides somewhere when the kitten isn't looking. Luckily for her, Garfield hasn't perfected his ninja skills yet. Maxie has had plenty of practice in finding hiding places when she plays the "Let's find somewhere daddy won't find me and keep quiet so I can watch him freak out and laugh" game (this happens quite often, you'd think I'd wise up to her by now, heh).

Where IS she?

Occasionally, he decides I am an easier target to play with instead of finding her. Mostly though, he persists until he finds Maxie and she will walk away to avoid his hyperactivity. Of course, Garfield wasn't having any of that! He stalks her everywhere she goes :p

Where are you going? Can we play?

Please please can we play? Puh-leez? Pweedy pwueeze?

If you won't play, I'll pounce on you anyway!

My Sith Lady, undeterred, puts the wannabe Darth in his place:

No means no!
Maxie's 'Glare of Doom' subdues the recalcitrant kitten

Oh, and don't worry, all this happened closely supervised, so the kitten wasn't hurt by it. It's just cat-play. :)

Besides, we know they love each other cos sometimes I step out of the room and come back to see this:

*cuddles and lickies*

Sadly, I had to place Garfield at my shelter colleague's place as I was away for the weekend. Poor little tyke wasn't happy about it and looked miserable. Kinda broke my heart to have to leave him at someplace foreign. However, unlike Maxie, he can't be left alone for 3 days with just  food and water and toys.

In the car
Why you leave me here?

I'll be picking him up today, hopefully they still remember each other and won't jump down each other's throats when I bring him home.

In the meantime, when I asked Maxie where's Garfield, she responds thusly:


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