Tuesday 6 May 2014

Travelling Kitty ~ JB trip

It was Labour Day on Thursday, so with some other family event also slated around this period, I decided to head back for a long weekend and brought Her Highness with me.

Having decided thusly, I took out her carrier, opened the door and gestured to her, "Maxie, inside!"

She eyed me with a narrow stare, "Are you sure?"

"Inside, now!"

She grumblingly walked in...

"You'd better not be taking me to that nasty vet!"

"Or I shall use my Sith powers on you,"warns Darth Puissant.

A little discomfited, I hastily assured our wannabe Sith Lady (it's a Star Wars term for a scary bad guy...er...woman, for those who aren't a nerd like me) that no, we were not going to the vet, this time. Appeased, Maxie consented to my clumsy jostling of her carrier into the car.

Once we were on our way, Her Lordship yowled to be let out of her carrier. After nearly 2 hours of hearing her nagging and asking if we were there yet, I made a stop and obliged.

Are we there yet?

Looking forward to the trip

Upon arrival, I hurriedly set up the princess's temporary accommodations in case she was hungry or in need of the little kitty's room. When everything was to her liking, I unleashed the kitty from the carrier (I had to nudge her back inside when we arrived).
I've arranged things so that her food bowl, water bowl and litter tray were inside a small cage that my friend Shins thoughtfully donated to me when I first got Maxie (she has a bigger, less transportable cage that will probably be featured in some future blog post) for just this purpose. Though, seeing as how this wasn't her first trip to my JB home, she predictably protested.

"I hope you don't expect me to live in THAT?!" she meowed imperiously while I was setting things up.

"Of course not, sweetheart. Daddy will let you roam in the house, this is just to keep your stuff someplace where people won't accidentally move things," I assured her. I lied of course, the cage is so her litter sand won't get EVERYWHERE, instead of just localised around the cage (she managed to somehow get the sand everywhere anyway -_-").

Maxie inspecting the premises.

With mum's permission, Maxie got the run of the place (after we've netted the front door so she wouldn't get too adventurous and get run over by a roving truck).

As befitting her cat-ish nature,  she explored the place thoroughly and inspected every nook and cranny...

Hmmm, I've never been in THIS room  before! (The door is usually kept closed)
What is this hole in the ground for?

I hastily put a pail over the hole in the ground, less kitty decides to add spelunking to her already impressive resume.

"Okay, I guess this place is kinda neat. The front door's kinda noisy though, big noisy animals running around all day," she complained. We live in an apartment so she's unused to "large animals" passing by at 80km/h when down at JB.

"Meh kitty, that's just the traffic. Don't worry about it. You'll get used to it," I responded airily.

Shooting me a dubious look, Maxie decided to stamp her mark on the place, by picking what she thought was the most comfortable spot in the living room.

What are you looking at?

Somebody's definitely made herself at home...nicely camouflaged too!

The next day, we had errands to run, so we left Maxie at home alone. When I came back, she greeted me at the window while waiting for the door to open. Over the next few days, this was a repeating theme with the addition of her saying goodbye to me at the window when I left too. It kinda made me feel bad (I think that was her objective anyway), and it troubled me that she had to watch me leave. We have a firm routine at home when I leave: I ask her politely to come into the bedroom, she says okay, I close the door and leave. No fuss. However, in JB there's no routine and she gets to watch me leave and meow piteously (or was that gloatingly? Hmmm...).

I thought it would get better when I left to meet my cousins while mum is home to keep her company; but nope, mum said she waited at the door for me (awwww!):

"Welcome home! Er...don't be mad but I think I broke something while you were gone!" :X

Why you leave me behind?"
Well, I had to spend time with the family while here, so if I can't take kitty to the family, I'll take the family to the kitty! With a stroke bordering on the genius, I invited my cousins to come visit us instead!

Initially, Maxie wasn't impressed.

"Why are you bringing me more humans? I do not require more slaves! I've already trained you to my liking, don't you know that I shouldn't be exerting myself? I'm a grown cat, for goodness' sake! Grown cats are supposed to spend their time doing NOTHING!" she went on and on and on...

But wait, I had a trick up my sleeve...

Maxie's "whatever" to my cousins visiting

Wait, you have my wand? Bring it on!

Let me show you how kung fu is done!

 ...and a good time was had by all with Maxie's kitty wand!

Well, kitty got over-stimulated by the unexpected attention, so bed time wasn't fun. :p

The next day, I had a badminton date with some other cousins, so I had to leave Maxie behind again. When I got home, exhausted, I hurriedly took a shower and turned on my couch potato mode without giving Her Highness any attention.

"If you go and play badminton again, I will take this tool and smack you over the head with it! Capische?"

I grovelled, I'm ashamed to say, for forgiveness. I treated her to her favourite anchovies, fed her tuna, petted her just the way she likes (which usually involves me bending at unnatural angles, I'm convinced she likes the petting style solely for the sake of torturing me).

"Okay, okay. Fine. I'll forgive you. This one time. Promise me you'll never play badminton again!" she ordered, in faux graciousness.

"Yes, princess. Anything you want," I continued to grovel, a clear victim of pussy-whipping.

"Now pet me to sleep!"

She commanded, I obeyed.

"I'll forgive you."

Soon, it was time to return home...and the packing frenzy started anew. Supervising me to ensure I left nothing (of hers) behind and that she got prime seats, we finally departed back to KL.

Goodbye, JB!

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