Monday 16 June 2014

Encounter with the Om Nom Nom Nom Monster

I have recently obtained a vacuum cleaner machine from my mum (thanks mum!) so I could actually clean up the place properly as the usual sweep and mop routine was soundly defeated by "somebody's" cat fur. It is incredibly frustrating to spend half an hour sweeping up the place only to find that there's TONNES of fur leftover when you're mopping.

So anyway, having gotten the tools necessary to clean up the place, I submitted it to Her Highness's inspection: addition to the house...

What's inside?


What ish this?

"Daddy, you got me a new toy! Hurry and open it!" cried the kitty. Of course, I could do nothing but oblige...

This doesn't look very fun...

*sniff sniff*

"Uhm...what is this, daddy?" asked the cat, while batting at the machine to elicit a response.

"It's a vacuum cleaner, Maxie. I'm warning you, it's going to be very loud and maybe you would like to perch in your cat tree while I clean the house," I responded, before lifting her up into said cat tree.

My advice, however, went unheeded. As I assembled the various tubings and such for the vacuum, the curious kitty poked her nose into the procedure and unabashedly supervised the whole process.

"Daddy, that tube doesn't go there! It sticks to the other one!"

"Daddy, you're using the wrong head for that tube!"

"Daddy, you're not supposed to open that!"

Between the two of us, I got the vacuum cleaner set up and gave her a final warning. Predictably, she ignored me and even showed her disdain by acting cute.

I ain't afraid of no vacuum!

"Alright, suit yourself, baby," I shrugged...and turned the machine on.

A flash of black and brown whizzed past me, upending some of the stuff I left on the floor. Unable to help myself, I grinned while straightening the mess she left in the wake of her impersonation of the Flash.

"Whaza matter, Maxie? I thought you weren't scared of some noise?" I teased her.

OMG OMG OMG the monster is coming!

Don't you dare bring that closer to me!

"Mrowll! It's eating everything!" she complained, trying to preserve her composure as she watched me sweep across the floor with the vacuum cleaner.

"WHY IS IT EATING MY FUR?!" came the surprised exclamation, as it dawned on her that the machine was sucking up all the stray bits of fur that's littered the apartment ever since we moved in.

I turned it off in order to switch into the room...and kitty gingerly prodded the vacuum cleaner and ran into hiding as if afraid it would chomp on her for her audacity.

Hiding in the closet

Giving me her wide-eyed sympathy-inducing look, she meowed, "Daddy, does this thing eat...*gulp*...cats?"

I refused to reassure her, wanting to see where this would lead...and cruelly turned the machine on again (of course, not with her standing right next to it, I'm not THAT mean!). Maxie shot out of the room and cowered in her new favourite "bag".

Help! It's a cat-eating machine!

Done with the cleanup, I opened the waste tray and dumped all the collected waste, 90% of which was compressed cat fur, and showed it to the kitty.

"See the amount of cat fur you litter the house with?" I said, in mock severity.

Maxie slunk away, still tentative even though the machine was safely packed up in its box again; taking mincing steps as though afraid of being ambushed at any time.

Finding a safe haven

"Daddy, I promise not to boss you around again. Please don't let it eat me!" she meowed, pitifully, begging for reassurance.

Finally giving in to sympathy, I gave her treats and much pettings and told her that of course I wouldn't let the machine eat her...for now...mwuahahahaha!

Sensing my irreverence, the little princess stalked off and proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the night. :p

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