Monday 23 June 2014

Photo spam ~ Conversations with my cat.

The princess hasn't been very forthcoming with providing input on the blog this past week...and when I nudged her about it, she just gave me a lazy look and said, "Oh bother, I just want to be lazy. I can't always be entertaining your readers, you know, daddy? Besides, they should just worship me cos I'm cute and awesome!"

Hmmm, you know what, that IS food for thought. I've always liked cats cos I think they are cute and awesome! They seem to preserve the natural lovability that is inherent in the young (think kittens, puppies and babies) and carry it forward in their lives to pop up at you at random times.

For example, what IS it with cats and small enclosed spaces?

My bag!

My bag too

No, you may not have it.

Mine, but of course!

And then, they have this besottment with boxes, rectangular containers, or baskets...

Kitty nap time, do not disturb!

This box is comfy!


What are you staring at?

And I remember an episode back in the old apartment:

Hmm..I wonder if I can fit in this...

Just needs a bit of finesse

Ah...there we go

So I asked Maxie, who opened an eye graciously, what's with her (and cats) and small spaces like boxes and such.

"What's there not to like? It keeps the sun out, it hides me, and I don't have to look at you," she said, quite matter-of-factly without any rancor, taking the sting from the words.

I was still digesting this when she added, "Besides, that look on your face when you thought I had ran away was priceless!"

Ah yes, I remember THAT episode...she hid somewhere I didn't notice and refused to answer me when I called. I panicked and looked all over the house before seeing something move...probably convulsing in kitty laughter:

I don't recall my bed being quite so lumpy...

"Anyway, I like to make you feel guilty when you leave for the weekend without me!" she continued, warming up to the conversation now, both eyes open. "Not, that I like to go traveling all that much anyway. Stuck in the travel carrier for hours on end," she sniffed disdainfully.
Bag inspector kitty

Maxie likes to hop into my travel bag as I'm packing

"And most importantly, daddy, is that you can't resist me when I'm stuck in somewhere small and I love it when you go softy-melty and coo at me and give me treats cos I'm cute," she confessed.

Peekaboo, daddy!


"Heh, well you know I'm a sucker for you, my princess," I admitted. "Who taught you all these acts anyway? How do you know how to steal human hearts this way?" I persisted.

Maxie waved a paw airily. "It's in our genes!"

You know what, I think she's right! Look at my uncle's kittens and how naturally they took to looking cute in a small enclosed space. :Þ

I wanna sit somewhere and look cute!
Come join me.
But, there's no space!

Use the other one, silly!

And thus concludes a lesson in kitty lore, by Madame Maxie...

You're welcome, humans.

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