Monday 28 July 2014

Kitty Box Heaven

The folks are coming over for a visit this week, so there was a slightly rushed tidying up to do before they arrived, as much as my busted back allows anyway.

Chief among my tasks was to clear up the area (we'll do the cleaning later) so there's space for people to sit/sleep/walk that's not me and the High Princess. (Okay, I admit it; I'm a slob!)

Anyway, moving on. I had to start moving Maxie's stuff into the store room, which was a huge mess to start off with. The kitty's been forbidden to enter this room most days, so....

Tsk tsk, is THIS why you don't let me in here?

Look at this mess, OMG is that the om nom nom monster?!
How could you have hidden so many boxes from me? You've deprived me of kitty heaven!

I grinned at her sheepishly. "Okay, I know, I know. I'll tidy the place up. But those boxes are off limits! I need them to store stuff, Maxie."

If any of you readers have ever kept a cat, you would know that the feline species are highly capable of communicating extreme disbelief at what they perceive is a lie from you. Their facial expressions and meows have the distinct tone of, "Yeah, right!"

I appeased my little mistress by choosing one of the boxes to discard and to store trash in later, and letting her "have" it for awhile.


Mmmmm, I like this, much better than my tiny shoebox!

While was busy settling into her new playpen, I started rearranging my stuff to make way for things to come in from the outside. Much to Maxie's consternation, her new playpen was soon my new dumpsite.

Hey what's with dropping all these old stuff in my box?

Excuse me, can you find somewhere else to dump your stuff please?

She waited patiently for me to stop for another dumping, then she hopped out of the box in disgust.

"What is wrong with you? You had to ruin a perfectly good box, didn't you?!" she complained.

I laughed at her and picked her up for a snuggle before dropping her into her shoe box. "That's your cosy box, Maxie. The big ones are mine."

If I had ever entertained thoughts of controlling my cat, they were demolished when Her Highness promptly left her shoe box and invaded kitty box heaven again.

Hmm, things look different!

Fine, you can keep your boxes, this plastic bag is mine!

I left kitty to her own devices (supervised) while I wrapped up the shifting. Eventually though, she was forcibly removed from the plastic bag. Her latest strategy to avoid being moved is to go limp all the way so I'd be too afraid to carry her, or so she thinks. Limp kitty is fun to lift up ^^ So it backfired on her hahahahaha


On a separate note, as a follow-up from last week's post on snuggling when the AC is on. I had the AC on a few nights last week too. The first time, I somehow left a  gap in the blanket and Maxie wriggled in, half scaring me to death. She slept between my legs curled up comfortably, albeit a very uncomfortable position for me since I didn't dare to move in case I disturbed her. Heh.

After a few hours my body couldn't take it and I wriggled out of the blanket carefully and slept on the other side of the bed. Kitty was happily comatose under the blanket and didn't care that I was gone. Figures. When morning came and I turned off the AC, it took kitty 10 mins to realise it was getting warmer and you could see a cat-shaped figure standing up and stretching under the covers.

The next night, I tried to invite her to join me but was ignored *cries*. So I went to sleep only to be woken up in the middle of the night by kitty sniffing at the blanket and nudging it, so I lifted it and she slept next to me. If I moved my legs a bit, I could feel claws digging into my flesh, not enough to scratch, but enough to let me know that I was required to continue my statue impersonation. Kitty was gone by morning though. 

Ah well, I shall continue my quest to discover how to make Maxie a cuddle kitty instead of tsundere kitty.

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