Monday 4 August 2014

Home Invasion of the Kitty Domain

As mentioned in my previous post, I had folks visiting during the holidays. So as is my mum's wont, she cleaned my place cos naturally, yours truly does a completely inadequate job. :p

Our favourite kitty is very shy of people who are not me, so even though she has met mum plenty of times, she still retreated to hide when mum popped into the apartment.

Who's that?

While mum was sorting out the mess (hey, I thought I tidied up before she come, but apparently it wasn't up to her standards!) I started vacuuming. You can guess my little princess was not overly fond of the om nom nom monster...

Hello again, Ms Kitty!

Maxie was highly unamused

We survived the vacuuming, especially after multiple shifting of Her Royal Cattiness from bedroom to living room to kitchen and back to bedroom. I don't think she was very happy with the whole process, though I figured she'd be less happy if I aimed the vacuum at her.

After that, it was mopping time. I'm ashamed to say that I let mum do most of the work thanks to my busted back, and in my defence there's only one mop :X

Now, you know how mopping goes right? You take the mop, dunk it in the pail, squeeze it dry and plomp it on the floor. Then you move it back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Now, if you moved something back and forth in front of this kitty, it means it's time to pounce! Which she does whenever I mop the floor. However, sadly for her, this time time it wasn't me who was doing the mopping, so Maxie was caught between wanting to play, and wondering if this other human was safe to play with...

Ooh back and forth movement!

I wanna go in!

Prepare to pounce...abort abort abort! Wrong humanz!

Noooo where humanz going with toyz? :(

So after the place was finally clean, all 3 of us settled down for a bit of rest...

This floor feels weird...where did all my fur go?

After awhile, Maxie was confident enough to wander around the place even with mum around to inspect her "new" surroundings. Much to her chagrin, a lot of her stuff had been packed away and she scampered everywhere looking for her belongings (they've been moved to the store in anticipation of guests). I found her lying protectively over one of her few possessions left in the living room...

They may take my box, but they won't take my scratch pad! Nevah!

Fast forward a day later, the rest of the family joined us at the apartment. Part of the entourage included 2 kids, both of whom are cat crazy. 2 cat-crazed kids + one overly shy cat = much one-sided love.

Who are these MONSTERS???

It was kinda adorable, really, though I do pity my princess. Everytime she gained enough confidence to put a paw outside the bedroom, she was "attacked" by the kids and run straight back in. She was always hiding in the room and mewling piteously at me whenever she saw me. "Help me!!!" she seemed to cry.

A few times I had to go out to run some errands and the moment I came back home Maxie would start crying out for me to save her from the monsters. Or to let her out of the room, only to watch her dart right back in again when one of the children catch sight of her. During nap times, kitty would wander out of her safe zone where the adults largely ignore her. She would even get daring enough to inspect the sleeping children, very very carefully.

Why is it so quiet in here?

Oh, good, the monsters are asleep.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, they woke and saw me!

Once, when I wasn't watching, one of the kids managed to finagle their way into my bedroom and in her desperation, Kitty sought to bury herself in the bedsheets, which were in process of being changed.

They won't find me in here!

Please don't tell them I'm in here!

As little kids go, there were numerous sibling squabbles. One of these was when the elder one was complaining that the younger one moved her stuff. I usually give these arguments a wide berth, but something in the way she looked pleased with herself made me wonder if a certain cat had anything to do with the commotion...

What? It wasn't me! I'm just lying here sunning myself. Yep, that's what I'm doing!

All visits come to an end, and when everyone was packing up, Maxie couldn't be happier. In fact, she even made sure everybody packed everything so they wouldn't have to come back and bother her again!  

You sure you got everything in that bag?

I'll just check to make sure you didn't leave anything behind

Are they gone, for real? Goodbye!! Good riddance! Er...I mean farewell!

"Maxie!" I chided, horrified at her bad manners.

"What? It's your fault they're bothering me!" she responded grumpily.

"Still, it's my mum! Behave! Bad kitty!" I scolded her, to which she responded as only a cat could:

Love me and worship me, for I am adorable!

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