Monday 25 August 2014

Motherly or Childish? Maxie's Both!

In the aftermath of my injury and Maxie's "tender loving care", or more accurately, torture; I finally decided to see a real doctor (instead of Dr Snakey) and got my wounds cleaned and wrapped up. This way, Maxie can't get antiseptic on herself and I won't have to cringe in terror everytime she sauntered over. I don't know about you, but cringing at the sight of your beloved pet walking towards you is NOT a good sign.

Turns out, I seem to have grossly misinterpreted Maxie's intentions. Instead of wanting to torture me, she was giving me "tough love" and forcing me to seek proper medical attention. This is evidenced by her actions on the day after I returned from the doctor (note to my readers: The pain after cleaning and bandaging equaled to that of having skinned myself all over again. So I would strongly recommend not seeking medical attention seeking medical attention as early as possible).

"I'm glad you finally got it looked at, now I'll just make sure you don't re-injure yourself all over again."
My so-called guardian fell asleep :p

Indeed, she extended her "guardian-ness" to ensuring I had taken my medication on time.

Have you taken your meds?
I'd better make sure and inspect your pills

Well, under her tender mercies and supervision, "mummy" Maxie made sure I recovered to the best of my abilities and was satisfied with my progress. She was kind enough to play on her own without inviting me to join in, and frequently ignored me if I tried to dangle toys in front of her. Awww, my little kitty's all grown up now....

...or not!

A good friend of mine had a birthday recently, so I teased Maxie by asking if she'd like to give Katie one of her toys as a birthday present, seeing as how kitty's got so many of her own already.

This ball's mine! Mine I tell you! She can get her own! MINE!

Whoa'd think I don't give her enough toys to play with.

"Maxie, you have to be nice and generous. She did give you the lovely collar you're wearing now, you know?" I chided her.

She looked askance at my words...


"Maxie! You oughta be ashamed of yourself. Katie has no toys of her own to play with," I exclaimed, still trying to get a rise out of my cat.

Giving me her ashamed look

"But that's MY toy!" she mumbled.

"Okay, okay. Daddy's just teasing you. You can keep your toy. She probably doesn't want it anyway, all stuck with cat fur," I replied, stroking her cheeks.

"Ooh, I know! Give her this!" she meowed suddenly, excitement in her voice.

Cute Maxie pose as her "present" to Katie.

"Oh well. That's better than nothing, I guess," I sighed to myself. At least she's not possessive about her images and is always willing to "bestow" her cuteness on the world at large.

Cutting her some slack, I picked kitty up (with much protestations) and hugged her. When you live with cats, you pick your battles and take what small victories they allow.

PS: For my concerned readers, my external wounds are all basically dried and healed up. However, there might be some minor bone damage or internal bruising as I still have a lot of "internal" pain, but the docs say that there's nothing to be done about that except to let it heal with time. Been occupied with dealing with the injury so I beg your pardon for the short post. Thanks for the well wishes!

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