Monday 1 September 2014

Bathroom door etiquette, as taught by Maxie.

I've noticed for some time that my dear little kitty has a fascination with bathrooms. In the old apartment she tended to stick her head into the drainage hole to watch the water from the shower flow down during shower times (yes, she insisted on following me into the shower, don't judge me!). Sadly for her, she doesn't have the same luxury in our new home.

Water goes down
But where does it go after it goes down?

Nevertheless, she has found a way to stamp her mark of ownership on the master bathroom anyway! Here's what I have concluded on "Maxie's bathroom etiquette' after months of observation:

1: If the door is left open and the human grabs his towel, it is the cat's responsibility to enter bathroom before said human does and squirm around the floor, bonus points if you get to take up space where the human likes to stand during the shower.

Camping in the bathroom
Act cute so human won't kick you out

2: If the human has the temerity to eject the cat out of the bathroom, and the bathroom door is left wide open, it is the cat's responsibility to stroll back in and meow its presence, thereby making the human feel guilty for turning on the shower and scaring the cat's lives away. 


3: If the human manages to eject the cat again, and the bathroom door is left partially open, it is a signal that the human wishes for the cat to poke its head in and hang around until it makes him uncomfortable. Bonus points if cat is daring enough to sneak all the way in and pretend to investigate the toilet, then stare at human.



Whacha doing?

4: If the human is rude enough to shut the door fully, the cat must sit outside of the bathroom and wait until human is finished. Upon the emergence of the human from the newly-opened door, the cat must give him the dirtiest look it can imagine, meow loudly and stalk out of bedroom with tail high in the air without looking back. Bonus points awarded if the meow can be made to sound as pitiful as possible or as annoyed as possible to make human scurry to fridge to fetch treats.

I hate you, human!

Nobody loves me...

And that, is how a cat scores bathroom points, ladies and gents.

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