Monday 29 September 2014

Some Short Tales

Hey peeps! A little under the weather today, so be warned that the blog post might not be up to par. :)

That said, I haven't much pictures to share this week, but I do have some kitty tales, so I hope you won't be overly disappointed with the lack of pictures!


Maxie likes, as most cats do, to laze around just sleeping. Last week, she was sleeping on the bed during the afternoon as per normal, when I had the sudden urge to pounce on her. So I did. Kitty woke with a start but found herself entangled in my arms as I crooned to her and blocked her exit. She squirmed and finally managed to reverse herself out from my arms, ruffling her fur the wrong way in the process. She shot me a dirty look and retired to her box in a huff. The words "Leave me alone!" hung unsaid in the air.

I chuckled and went back to what I was doing, satisfied with myself. Now, before you condemn me for bullying my cat, hear what I say. She got her back later that night.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, as they say. Maxie waited for me to forget about the pouncing incident until later that night, when I was busy chatting online. She strolled into my room, sat at the mat beside my computer chair in an upright position, and started to stare at the ceiling. Normally, this means there was prey on the ceiling for her, ranging from lizards to random insects. I glanced at her when she first walked in, and then noticed she was still sitting there 5 minutes later without uttering a sound, which was unlike her.

"Hey, what are you looking at, baby?" I asked, using my petname for her. She ignored me, just staring upwards. I followed her gaze and looked for something that might've caught her interest, all in vain.

"What WERE you looking at?" I asked again, looking down, but she was no longer there! She had walked out when I was looking at the ceiling and had a smug look on her face as she draped herself comfortably on the floor outside my bedroom door.

"Gotcha!" her eyes read, before looking casually away into the living room, dismissing me from her thoughts.

Grrr! She certainly outplayed me, alright!


The next trick she pulled to get back at me was to meow incessantly at me in the morning while I was trying to do something. She'd perch herself on the bed and meow loudly and imperiously. I was at a loss as to what she wanted, until I finally figured out she wanted to get under the covers, in her "Assisted Sleep" position.

Pay attention to me!

I complied, anything to shut her up. She went in, curled up, and slept. I thought that was the end of that. I have never been more wrong. 20 minutes later, the bundle of fur would start to shift under the covers and Maxie would extricate herself from the bed. She'd lap at the water bowl twice, walked out of the room, bat her toys around for a minute or two, and then back on the bed, meowing demandingly to be let under the blanket. This continued for two days, she'd verbally order me around when I was at home until I finally begged her for forgiveness for pouncing on her. I groveled and I cajoled, and Her Highness finally condescended to forgive me after much anchovies.

She hasn't demanded to be let under the covers since then. Phew!


Unforgivably, I had ran out of her favourite canned cat food! The shops that sold them were a little distant and I hadn't time to go until a few days later.

In a desperate bid to buy time, I bought some generic brand to tide us by until I had time to visit the pet shop. Kitty let me know in no uncertain terms that that was unacceptable!

"What is this? This isn't cat food! This is just..." her complaint trailed off as she failed to find a suitably offensive word to name her temporary food. In my defence, it was a good brand, without the typical gelatinous mass that some canned cat foods have. But, as she had made abundantly clear, it wasn't her usual.

Before her canned food had run out, Maxie had started picking at her tuna. Frequently I'd find at least half of what I gave her remaining that I'd have to make her eat before bed time.

Maxie sniffed at her temporary food and only had one or two bites of it. The rest went to the strays downstairs. Everyday, at 7pm, she'd start complaining.

"I want tuna! Gimme my tuna!" she'd wail, stalking around the apartment.

I'd open a can of something for my own dinner, and kitty would come scurrying to me. "Tuna? Is it tuna? Where's my tuna?" she'd go, while trying to see what I had in my hands. It was beans. She stalked off in high dudgeon.

It took me 4 days before I had time to go to the pet shop for her food. 4 days of intense guilt-tripping from Maxie. Every night when I sat down to have my own dinner, she'd sit within sight, staring at me balefully. Making every bite taste like cardboard from the intensity of her glare.

Why you get to eat but not me? Why?

The day finally came when I brought her cat food home. "Maxie! Guess what I got for you?" I called.

She gave me a look and if cats could roll her eyes, I swear she would have. "What, more beans for yourself and nothing for me?"

I cheerfully popped a can open, and Maxie did a credible impression of The Flash. One moment she was lying in bed sulking, the next she was at my feet purring, barely before the jingle of her collar bell reached my ears.

I served her half a can, her usual portion. It was gone in 10 minutes. Wow, guess somebody had really missed her food, and wanted more. She finished a full can in one sitting for the first time since her adolescence. Licking her chops daintily, she regarded at me in approval.

"That's much better. It took you long enough!" she purred.

That night, she slept curled up right next to me, something that happens maybe once every 3rd blue moon. I woke up with a horrible backache, but it was worth it. Pity, it didn't last though, my adorable tsundere cat was back in tsundere mode the next day...and back to her half portion of tuna. 

PS: I don't actually starve my cat, she gets her fair share of kibbles every day and is happy with that (she eats ANY kibbles, but is picky with wet food lol - weird cat), but she does enjoy the wet food treat every other day. In case somebody out there thinks I would neglect feeding my princess .

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