Monday 8 September 2014

Sleepy Kitty and Hide-and-Seek

Hey, peeps! It's another week again. Happy mid-autumn festival to my readers. :)

Anyway, in the last week, after judging me suitably recovered to rejoin her in fun and games, Maxie decided to start a few rounds of hide-and-seek with me. It's not a new game, far from it, but it is one of her current favourites.

Usually, kitty would decide to play tag with me by walking up to me while I'm on the computer, play-pouncing on me leg and running off. If I gave chase she'd run all over the house until she returns to her "safe zone", aka her shoebox, where she would then receive much petting and stroking before I returned to the computer.

For hide-and-seek though, Maxie would wait til I'm engrossed with my monitor, and start a loud chorus of demanding meows. Usually I'd just ask what she wanted and check if she had everything, and ignore her. She'd keep up the caterwauling until I finally get fed up and stand up...and et voila! No cat!

Or so she thinks...

The thing about dear cute Maxie is, she hasn't seemed to have mastered the art of hiding very well. Now that I've cottoned on to her hiding place below the bed, that's always the first place I look. And if she's not there...

Ooh, behind the towel!
Behind my jeans!
"Is he looking for me yet?"
Scampering back into the room after I come out looking for her.
Behind the litter box!

I fear that my princess had caught the "ostrich disease", where she thinks that if she can't see me, neither can I see her. Silly kitty, giving me so many tell tale signs of her whereabouts. The following picture though, is her best attempt at hiding thus far:

Betrayed by her tail!

Alas! It was not meant to be. Nevertheless, it was fun. And after a long session of hide-and-seek culminating in a game of tag (after I've found her), kitty was all tired out.

She surprised me the next day by picking up one of MY bad habits: sleeping in! Normally, Maxie starts meowing loudly to wake me up after the 2nd snooze on my alarm clock. She'd pace around impatiently for me to wake up and open the door so she can hurry out and survey her domain.

That morning, however, I woke up from the sound of my alarm only to find kitty...lazing on her cat tree. I walked around drowsily and gave her a pat, wishing her good morning. No response. I opened the door, and waited for the inevitable brush of fur as her highness ran out, but nope, nothing happened.

Good morning?
"Leave me alone"

Half-hearted grooming when I asked her to get up

I gave up and went out to get the broom to sweep up her nightly litter scattered on my bedroom floor. Once again, I asked if she was ready to wake up.


Amused, and just maybe a teensy bit worried, I carried on with my day. It wasn't until 30 minutes later when I swiveled my computer chair to face her, that she started showing signs of life.

"Maxie, are you okay? Do I need to take you to the vet?" Her eyes flew open.

"Vet? Meep!"

She got up in a jiffy and stretched luxuriantly. Took a few steps and batted at her toys a bit. Satisfied that she was okay, just suffering from an excess of exertions, I took no notice of her for the next hour or so; preparing breakfast, catching up on news, etc (it was a Saturday). Missing her, I turned around and tried to look for her and saw...

Must sleep with style!

Guess she really was exhausted...kitty's fine though, so my readers can relax. :)

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