Monday 22 September 2014

Kitty on Rampage, or Something Like That

It's another week! In an attempt to get Maxie out of her funk, I brought out my secret weapon, the cat wand!

Kitty's pupils were fully dilated as she started mrowling loudly in anticipation.

Maxie stirring from her slumber, watching the wand alertly

"Gimmeh, gimmeh, gimmeh!" she seemed to say. As a tease, I walked around with the cat wand in my hands but not giving it to her. Maxie followed me around the apartment like a dog learning how to heel. Hmmm...this bears promise, but perhaps in the future.

All her long-unused wingchun moves came back as she batted the wand furiously. "Die, you weird, pink-feathered thing!"

Predictably, I got tired a lot sooner than she did, and Maxie was giving me indignant meows to keep her adversary moving. We evolved a new game from it though.

"Where is it?"

Propping the wand against her food bin, Maxie was a little nonplussed at the start. She soon cottoned on to things..

*sniff sniff*

*bat bat bat*

"This foe is slain, next!"

We engaged in another merry-go-round the house with her pouncing on my ankles and my knees in an attempt to wrest the pink fiend from me.

"Ah ha!"


"Come here, you!"

With the repeated vanquishing of the same(?) foe, yours truly soon got tired of the game. Not so for Maxie though. While I sat upon my chair working on the computer, she sat at my feet (sigh, if only it was on my lap) waiting for the next round of fun to start. Occasionally I'd look down to look at her and she'd give me a plaintive "meow!"

Despite her slave daddy's reluctance, a resourceful kitty always manages to get her way. Mother Nature decided to bless us with a giant fly thingie invasion. I got 2 of those out somehow, but the last eluded me.

"Daddy, what's all that buzzing?"

Maxie was on patrol though. Woe betide any insect or gecko that finds its way past my inefficient defence...

"Don't worry, I've got it!"

"There's nowhere to hide, fly-guy!"

Fortunately, I managed to get rid of it before she could sink her teeth in. She always gets sick after ingesting bugs, but never stops eating them whenever she gets the chance anyway. Silly kitty. I've to be constantly on the lookout or I'd have to deal with this:

Sick kitty: "I promise not to drink eat a bug again!" *puke*

I had to be careful what I wished for, though. As I had wanted my little sleepy princess to stop sleeping all the time, she showed me what a nuisance she can be.

"Oh, you're watching a movie? Hand the control over! I wanna see the bit where Duchess holds tails with Thomas!"*


I had to push her away and tell her to be patient. The movie's only fun if we watch it in progression, not just skipping to our favourite bits. Kitty sulked and turned her back on me.

The other incident involved me collecting the laundry:

"What is this?"

*wonders if she can use it for kung fu training*

Yup, sure can!

After rescuing a sock, a handkerchief and a t-shirt from kitty soft claws, I finally managed to put my hangers back outside in the laundry area, safe from her ravaging

Following all that exertion, it was time for kitty to wind down her activities.

Om nom nom nom!

and finally...

zzz in the 12 o'clock

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