Tuesday 20 January 2015

Couch Potato Laundry Guardian

Ola, readers! I apologise for the absence, but I figured taking a few weeks off might help jolt my writer's senses back on again. I'll start modestly and we'll see where this goes, alright? :) Thank you for your support!

The gf left for home a few weeks back, and there was a noticeable lack of presence at home. Kitty and I trudged along our days and things slowly returned to our old routine. I was pretty sure that Maxie was also caught in the funk of missing Fiona, as she didn't see fit to do anything out of the ordinary (other than sleeping in the bed more, anyway).

Things finally perked up after I lazily dumped my laundry on the couch and promptly forgot all about it. It took her a few days, but Maxie finally caught on to the fact that...THERE WAS LAUNDRY IN THE OPEN!

I had gotten used to her curling up on her side of the bed while catnapping, so I was a little discomfited to find her not in the bedroom one day. I called and called, and searched. I peered behind the curtains, nope, I looked under the bed, nuh-uh, I checked the closet, nada. Hmmmz.

Pondering this mysterious kitty's disappearance, I walked into the living room and was about to sit on the couch (with laundry) when I heard a meow of protest.

"Please watch where you're sitting, human!"

"MEOW! Hey, watch it buster!" a disembodied protest came from behind me.

"Maxie! What are you doing here?" I asked, somewhat stupidly.

"Duh! I'm lounging on this sofa. What does it look like I'm doing?" came the credible Garfield imitation. To her credit, I did sound a tad Jon-like (for non-fellow Garfield fans, Jon is Garfield's air-headed "owner').

"Well, scoot on over a sec. Daddy needs a seat," I requested.

Grumbling, kitty did as she was told.

"Fine, you can have a seat."

I settled myself next to my little furball, and absently began to stroke her. Disgusted, she stood up haughtily and stalked to the other end of the couch.

"Sheesh, some people. You give them an inch and they take a mile," I could hear her mumble.

No touchy!

"Bah, fine! Don't let me pet you then! See if I care!" I muttered hotly. Kitty then dosed nonchalantly. As expected, I was the one who gave in first and off I went over to her side to give her some noogies.

Maxie immediately turned around to face me, annoyance clearly displayed.

"Which part of no touchy did you NOT understand?"

"Leave me alone! I want to sleep!" complained my tsundere cat.

"Alright, fine, I give up. Be that way! I'll just clear up the laundry and be off on my own business," I conceded, put off by her behaviour.

"Huh? What do you mean clear up the laundry?"

"You leave my bed alone, you bossy human you!" ordered Maxie imperiously. "These are mine! All mine!"

Then, akin to a dragon hoarding its gold, Maxie did an impressive impersonation of Smaug from The Hobbit, which we had watched on the DVD previously.

"These are my gold! My gold! Err..I mean clothes."

In frustration, I raised my hands in defeat and beat a strategic retreat to my bedroom, seeking the comfort of the internet as a balm for my recalcitrant furkid.

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