Monday 7 April 2014

Return of the wasp

Been a quiet weekend, as I spent most of my day in bed or in front of the computer while I recover from my ill-advised stint at the shelter on Saturday. There I was, minding my own business when I heard a loud cat-ish chittering from the living room.

“Daddy, daddy! Hurry! It’s back, it’s BAAAAACCCCKKK!!!” came the demanding mrowl.

Bemused, I staggered into the living room in time to see….the return of the (same?) wasp! Once again intent on mastering some heretofore undreamt of levels of head-banging against windows…

“Daddy, watch me kill it this time! I promise I’ll give you what’s left over when I’m done with it,” cried the cat.


Aghast, I went to my fridge and took out some anchovies that were her favourite treat and put some on the kitchen floor. “Maxie, come here! Look what daddy’s got for you. Come here, sweetie!”

Ignoring me, Maxie was already starting to try to climb the window grill in an effort to catch the dancing wasp. Once again, I hobbled out to the living room and this time I grabbed her bodily and stalked towards the kitchen. Her yowls of protest could surely be heard on the ground floor, 16 storeys below…

I placed her in front of the anchovies, to which her protestations abruptly ceased as she chowed down on the unexpected treat. Two bites in though, she remembered what she was up to and ran back to the window. Too tired and sore to run after her, I issued a sharp command, “No!” in the tone of voice that she knew meant trouble was coming if she didn’t stop immediately what she was doing right then.


Frantic, Maxie released the window grill (sans wasp, thankfully) and ran helter-skelter into the bedroom which was her default lair when anything bad happens…halfway in she careened to a halt and did the patented “Flintstones running in place before mobility” movement while she switched directions and ran back out to the kitchen, vacuumed the remaining anchovies up  at top speed, and scrambled back into the bedroom whereupon she jumped onto the bed and started grooming her face meticulously in an attempt to preserve any shred of dignity her frantic escape-cum-greedy gobbler performance might’ve spared her.

I quietly closed the door, and got rid of the wasp before returning to the bedroom to catch her staring mournfully out the window.

“Daddy, it’s gone :( I hate you.”

I gave her a pat and returned to my reading, situation was back to normal: wasp-free, cat ignoring human and human pretending not to care.

Ah well.

Sad kitty watching wasp fly away


  1. For memory's sake, here's the first post of the wasp incident via FB

    This morning, my cat ran up to me as I was having breakfast, eyes wide, meow plaintive. "Daddy daddy come look! There's a monster!" she seemed to say.

    I hurried back into the bedroom, saw a huge wasp that was trying to practice a special facepalming technique by constantly bumping into the wall.

    "Daddy, daddy, can I eat it?" came the meow, or at least, that's exactly the meow she gives when I open a can of tuna...

    I took a broom, managed to somehow catch the wasp in it, and flung it out the window where it proceeded to fly away, no doubt having leveled up its facepalming abilities. I grinned at my cat.

    She, in turn, gave me a look of utmost disgust, and curled up to sleep on the couch.


  2. Ahahahahah! Man that's cute. xD At least she knows when you don't like it :P

  3. haha she's been trained to recognise "no" and to come when called. But...she hasn't been trained to cuddle on demand :X
