Monday 20 October 2014

Sneaky Cat Training...

Hey peeps!

How's your Monday going? I'm sick (yes, again! What the heck?), so bear with me. Been a busy week, with limited material since I hadn't any time to spare.

I said goodbye to Nameless last week, returning her to her foster parents. Keith has voiced his suspicions about her being in heat, based on the ruckus she's been kicking up. I hope for his sake that she's not, cos a cat in heat can drive a daddy nuts! Hehehehe.

Nameless has been to the vet, I'm not sure what the full prognosis is yet, but she IS recovering at least, just not fully yet.

After vs Before (yes, in that order)

Maxie looks like she's gotten used to the new tenant. Just this morning, I was late getting out due to being ill and she was lounging in her box, when the tenant woke up and came out from his room.

Lounging kitty

"Oh, it's you."

Maxie was startled into wakefulness when the door to his room opened. However, when she saw that it was "just" him, she settled back to sleep. Obviously, he has been classified under "harmless" and "not interesting" in her eyes.

My erstwhile tsundere cat had developed a strange behaviour though. She somehow took it into her head that my hand made a good stool while she checked out the side of my computer desk...

So comfy!

Note that I was trying to use my mouse to get an email sent to my supervisor.

I had just returned from visiting mum over the weekend (yeah, I know, the timeline doesn't match since I started posting about this morning), and Maxie decided to pull a "I missed you, but I hate you for leaving you, so I'm going to miss-hate you" thing on me. Something that only a cat can do, it seems.

The moment I opened my door, she stepped out, purring and rubbing my ankles. As I bent to pet her, she walked off. Okay...never mind. Then, while I was unpacking my stuff, she made the "give me attention now!" meow, which I hurried to do. She watched me come closer and closer, and as I was 2 feet away from her, she pranced away into my room to sniff at my bag and bestow upon it loving cheek rubs. Hey...wait a bag gets more love than I do???

This pattern repeated itself for 30 mins or so, til she finally consented to let me hug her and tell her how much daddy missed his little kitty, for all of 2 seconds.

"I want tuna, feed me now!" came the imperious demand. I complied immediately, of course, as befitting my status of a slave dad.

As she chowed down, I noticed something. She never eats the tuna that gets shoved to the side of her dish, waiting for me to push them back to the middle for her.

"You know, Maxie. I wouldn't have thought it, but Nameless is smarter than you when it comes to eating. When her food gets pushed to the side of the bowl, she would use her paw to nudge it back to the middle so she could eat it. You should learn from her," I remarked.

My little princess gave me a look befitting that of a noble to a gutter whelp. "You have sooooo much to learn," she said, enigmatically.

Her reply threw me. I spent hours puzzling over it, wonder what it was that she could have meant. I mean, it IS obvious, isn't it? Nameless knew how to push her food to where she wants it without needing me to help her. Then it hit me...

Ohmigod! She's trained me to serve her food and even push to adjust its position for her because she disdained getting her paws dirty! And here I was thinking Nameless was smart when Maxie was cunning, manipulative, sly.....and brilliant!

She got a noogie for that realisation. Of course, she didn't appreciate that and gave me the cold shoulder for all of 15 minutes, when the thunder started rumble.

"What was that?"

Maxie is afraid of thunders and fireworks, and her pitiful attempt at being all high-and-mighty backfired on her as the storm started and she was forced to stick to me.

Ah well, one could never stay irked at such a cute cat though. So while the thunderstorm is raging outside, I shall take the chance to snuggle my indolent yet frenetically fearful cat (they are such paradoxes, aren't they?).

"What's that boom?"

Til next week then, take care, readers!

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