Tuesday 28 October 2014

Kitty Bribery

Whoopsies, missed a day as I had an extended weekend :X

Anyway, since this is my "Monday" *snickers*, I'm not "really" late now, am I? ^^

I've had a bit of an emotional upheaval in my life, and to cut the long story short, I seem to have acquired a new lady friend with whom I could share the nitty gritty of my daily grind with! Blessed be!

So, when Fiona got the chance to have a layover, she had to brave the gauntlet that was Maxie.

Surprisingly, kitty didn't run scampering into her safety cave when we greeted her. In fact, she was downright nonchalant about the whole thing. I suspect that Maxie was getting bored with the constant parade of new people entering and leaving my house, hehehehe.

Can you spot Maxie trying to burrow into the bag?

I officially introduced Fiona to Maxie...using the correct and government-approved method of bribery!

Let's play a game together!

Caught between wanting to play and wanting to run away, Maxie did a weird combination of "bat the toy playfully and back off before running forward to beat the crap out of the toy again". I wonder if I've been watching too many army flicks that Maxie has learnt how to fight a delaying rearguard action. Hmm....

Anyway, we left her alone to get settled down, and Maxie broke all the house rules I ever taught her when she sniffed something that most girls like...

Oooh flowers!

They smell so good!!!

So pretty....

So tasty....

Wait, what? I was willing to forgive her jumping up on the dining table (a HUGE no no) in the interests of keeping the peace...but no flower munching allowed! I quickly shooed her off the table, but all night long she'd shoot longing glances at the bouquet. Silly kitty.

As a further bribe, Fiona actually brought a gift for Maxie, a nice luxurious, fluffy, soft bed! Without further ado, I spread it out for Her Highness....

"It's too thick, I don't like it!"

"Maxie! I thought I taught you better manners than that!" I admonished her in embarassment. She eyed me steadily without responding, subtly practicing her mind control powers.

"Ah...that's better!"
Not too shabby!

Yeah, well, I seem to have a really fussy cat. I think I've made her into a monster with my pampering. Oh well.

The days went by quickly, and it was astonishing to me to see how quickly Maxie accepted Fiona's addition to the household. Not 24 hours after their first meeting, Maxie was treating Fiona to the same "Go away, I don't want to see you and I don't want you to hug me" treatment that she subjects me to daily.

Kitty wasn't running away to hide when this new person approached her, rather, she would wait til she was closer, then stalk off haughtily with tail in the air, as if to say, "I only let you THINK you could pet me, human!"

It wasn't long before a show-down happened between the two females...Fiona decided to clean Maxie's stuff!

"What are you doing? How dare you? I'm going to tell my daddy!"

After divesting Maxie's favourite beds of their abundant cat fur, the cat was allowed to inspect her belongings.

"Omg, what have you done?

"This doesn't smell like me anymore!"

"Waaaaaa, you even cleaned my box!!!"

"I am going to kill you," Maxie swore, in silent revenge.

"I'll accept your peace offering, but less you forget my superiority, here's my evil look so you'll always remember."

All was well with the administration of kitty treats...and we soon bade Fiona goodbye. Maxie happily reclaimed the house as her unassailable castle. However, this morning she did ask me, "Daddy, when are you bringing back my other slave? She gives me treats often, unlike you. You're stingy!"

Well, I guess someone approves of Fiona...even if it was MY treats that she was fed with! -_-"

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