Monday 13 October 2014

The New Housemate(s), Part 2

Hello again, dear readers!

As a continuation from last week's post, here's more info on our current house setup. :p

The new tenant has settled in, and he's not someone who's easy to catch sight of: in bed when I leave, return when I sleep. I had to collect his laundry one day as he wasn't around and I really needed to wash my load before I ran out of clothes to wear. I placed his clothes on a towel rack...and someone was very excited!

What are you doing with those clothes?
They smell strange!!!

Well, sadly for Maxie, the new tenant wasn't the only new housemate I got last week. My good friend Keith rescued a cat with a shattered (yes, shattered) pelvis who was undergoing rehabilitation with him. Unfortunately, he had to go out of town for 10 days so I was roped in to cat-sit for him.

Pretty kitty!

This cat, who was unnamed so I'll call her Nameless, was a stray that Keith's wife, Clair, found laying on the grass in a lawn near their place before getting veterinary attention. She is a very very friendly kitty, not quite a year old. A little clingy and loves attention. If you are tempted to adopt her, do drop me a PM.

Maxie was blissfully unaware of a second cat in the house the first night I brought Nameless home. The second day, the clingy kitten started caterwauling to high heavens. Poor Maxie was shocked! And honestly, so was I!


What's that noise?

Nameless kept yowling and yowling until I went into her room to give her some attention. It's a pity I didn't have time to give her all my attention, and she had to be kept in cage rest (I do let her out for 10 mins a few times a day) so she doesn't jump and jostle her healing pelvis. Maxie took to hiding in our room cos she was no longer sure of this house which was getting inundated with strangers, or so it must have felt to her. Poor kitty.

I don't wanna go out
You go on out, I'll guard your laundry here.
Playing under my chair instead of the living room

Maxie was pretty displeased with the way that the home was overrun. She avoided me and stayed in the room as much as she could, ignoring me unless I had treats in my hands. She still said goodbye to me when I have to go out, but will ignore me when I come home, forgoing her customary ankle rub and sniff routine.

The situation at home was getting rather tense, and understandably, Maxie was at the end of her tether. When I finally, with the help of the rent from the tenant, decided to have broadband installed; the arrival of the technician proved to be the last straw...

Just how many more people do you want to let move into our house? Oi you, get out!

She actually ran out of the room to go and look at the technician. Fearing some mishap, I rushed out and grabbed her before she sank her claws into the poor innocent man. Okay, so I'm exaggerating a bit. Maxie was upset though, but calmed down and quit struggling in my arms as I explained that the technician was NOT staying. 

"Oh, I knew that," she replied arrogantly, and went to curl up in bed, content.

I wiped the sweat off my brow in relief.

Days later, she finally got to meet the new tenant. Surprisingly, she didn't scamper away as I had predicted! I guess she must have gotten so used to his smell that when she finally saw him, it must've been a bit of an anti-climax. She just sat there, tail swishing as he talked to me over something or another, watching us.

"Oh, so THIS is what you look like. Pfft, you don't look so tough," she seemed to say, while flexing her wingchun tail muscles.

Ah peace, at last! Soon Nameless will leave us to be reunited with her foster daddy, and perhaps Maxie will then relax enough to lounge in the living room again.

Til the next entry, have a great week, readers!

Edit- PS: Nameless can walk now, if that wasn't clear. Young cats seem to be blessedly fast in healing bone wounds, thankfully! Reminds me of my Garfield, but his was just a fracture.

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