Monday 3 November 2014

Curious Kitty

Hey peeps!

I bought an air "purifier" aromatherapy diffuser the other day on the advice of the gf, as it could be used as an insect repellant with the correct scent.  Predictably, a certain somebody insisted on examining the minutiae of the new addition to the house.

What's in the box?

First came the box investigation. I managed to remove the contents before surrendering the box to the kitty inspector.

Only way to be sure is to make a thorough examination!
Yes, even the flaps.

Alright, this box seems kosher. Good job, deliverymen!

Satisfied with the box, Maxie missed my carrying the diffuser off to be washed and prepped for its test run. Before she knew it, I've had things properly set up and it was whirring happily on the floor. Kitty was enthralled by water bubbling within its bowl.


Can't take her eyes off it...

Hypnotising water....

"I wonder if there's any fish inside?"

It took her awhile, but she eventually lost interest in the buzzing purifier/diffuser. We settled down for our nightly sleep...or at least I did, could never be certain what Maxie is up to.

The next dawn found me sleepily fumbling for the switch to turn off the diffuser, and after emerging from my morning ablutions feeling barely human, I found my princes staring perplexedly at the water bowl.
"Why did it stop buzzing? Did I break it?"

"Silly kitty. I just turned it off, that's all," I reassured her.

"Really? You mean it wasn't what I did last night?" she meowed nervously.

"What DID you do last night?" I gave her a sharp look.

"Meow," came the reply. And that, in Maxie's lingo, was the end of any discussion.

I left it at that, there was no sense pursuing a subject when kitty was in no mood to talk about it. I'm certain I'll find out just what she did, in time.

I did visit mum after getting the diffuser, as the main reason for making the purchase was due to her catching dengue (she's all better now, thank you), and I'd wanted her to have some mosquito repellant at home. She recently came back from a trip and got me a pretty little trinket to decorate my room, which I hung upon the door to my bathroom.

Mum was sure Maxie would find it fascinating, whereas I, on the other hand, said she'd probably ignore it. Goes to show that wisdom comes with age as I caught kitty staring at it...

"What's that?"

I finally got her attention prised away from the new decoration with something that works for most parents: electronic entertainment! And I shall bid my readers adieu while I enjoy "Big Miracle" with my kitty, however long it may hold her attention.

Ooh, movie!

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