Monday 10 November 2014

Kitty in Denial Wants Attention

It was a week of mixed feelings, as the family of stray cats I've been feeding (mummy + 3 kittens) was less a kitten after I found one limping with an injured paw and having crusted-over eyes and nose. It was a bittersweet moment when momma cat brought me to where I suspect the body of her dead kitten was discarded: the wilderness behind my apartment. Rest in peace, little kitten.

It took momma cat 4 days before she started eating again, and she is now back to normal with her remaining two kittens. As you can imagine, I didn't have much mood to do much in terms of Maxie entertainment over this period. As such, some of the events that I will relate in this blog are not my first hand experience.

Moving on, the gf came for a stay as the weekend swung over. Maxie remembers her, of course, but nevertheless, Fiona was still subjected to the princess's "I shall pretend I don't know you and freak out from every single thing you do until you acknowledge I am the mistress of this house" act.

Maxie took her role as slave driver seriously, as she only permitted Fiona to remain in the house after forcing the gf to feed her treats and to play games with her.

"I'm going to hide in this box and sulk until you leave, or pamper me."
"You WILL entertain me, human!"

After trying in vain to get her out of her box, Fiona finally caught on to kitty's mind control instructions. Out came the toys...!
*bat bat*
Kitty thinks Fiona passed her entrance exam.

After agreeing to accept (again) Fiona into the household, Maxie started subtly asserting her role as the dominant female. If Fiona and I were busy with stuff, ie watching the telly, cooking, etc; Her Highness would kick up a racket of loud meows, demanding attention from her subjects. The moment I scrambled to find her, she'd walk away with tail high up in the air, self-satisfaction evident.

Fiona was not spared from this either, as when she's occupied with her phone, the cat would sneak up quietly then do a credible imitation of a jack-in-a-box.

"Whacha doing? Why aren't you feeding me treats?"

Another funny episode that occurred involving both Maxie and Fiona. We were using the store room pretty often, and curious kitty liked to poke her nose into the store room. It is usually an exercise in patience to get her to come out of the store room after I'm done with it, so I tend to try to prevent her from going in there in the first place.

As Fiona stepped into the store, Maxie made to follow. I called out to her, "Maxie, who's a busybody then?"

Would you believe it, the cat sat on her haunches and looked at Fiona, as if saying "Her! Who else?"

I guffawed. The noise made Fiona ask what happened, and so I replied. Full of indignation, the gf mock scolded the cat. "Hey, what do you mean I'm the busybody? Everybody knows it's you!"

Maxie meowed back huffily and went to complain to me, with the mistaken belief that Daddy would take her side. "Daddy, tell her I'm no a busybody!"

"Uhm, princess, you kinda are? Remember when I got that box a few weeks ago? Remember when I changed the sheets? What about the time when I tried to pack my bag?" I couldn't resist rubbing it in.

"You're all bullying me! Mrrooowwwll! Fine! I'm a busybody," wailed my little kitty and she retreated to sulk on the couch. 

Hiding face in shame

Nothing some anchovy treats won't fix though. Til next time, readers!

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