Wednesday 26 November 2014

Maxie - The Sheet Change Supervisor

I opted to change my bedsheets the other day, and it proved to be more of a chore than I had expected. Now, a normal person changing the bedsheets would more or less follow this workflow:

  • Discard pillow cases > place pillows off the bed somewhere > take off the current sheets and comforter cover > put on new sheets and comforter cover > put on new pillow cases > replace pillows on bed

However, for this particular cat slave, the workflow is somewhat altered:

  • Remove cat from bed > discard pillow cases > move cat from chair to put pillows on chair > move cat from bed > take off the current sheets > disentangle cat's claws from comforter > move cat to cat tree > remove comforter > ignore death stare from cat > tuck a corner of new sheet into bed > tuck second corner in > tuck third corner in > tuck fourth corner in > notice cat is missing > notice a lump in the middle of the bed under the sheet > remove sheet to see cat sleeping underneath > remove cat from bedroom > close the door > ignore piteous mewling > put on new sheets > put on new pillow cases > replace pillows on bed

Kitty supervising sheet change

Kitty deciding to get involved in sheet changing

Kitty realizing paw is stuck in comforter

Kitty wondering if I should change the "sheets" on cat tree

So, once that arduous task was done, I decided to change the floor mats too. 

Kitty wrestling new floor mat

After straightening the floor mat for a minimum of four times, I gave it up as a lost cause and left Maxie to it. I sat down and took a much needed breather. Minutes later, I decided to check on the busybody kitty...

These sheets are NAIS

"So you like the new sheets then?" I asked her.


Satisfied that her highness approved, I went for a shower and came out to this:


I snuck out of home without waking the princess, and it seems to be kitty sleeping season as I looked about for my stray kittens and found them thus:


A capital idea! I forewent feeding them, returned to my room and joined Maxie in the comfy bed. Goodnight!

Tuesday 18 November 2014


I know I'm a little overdue, but inspiration not only didn't come a-calling, it packed its bags from its previous visit and left me with nothing. Thankfully, it did a fly-by today and I reckon I can get some writing done.

If you recall from last week, Maxie was sulking because we called her a busybody. Well, she is, but the princess wouldn't admit it. So, to get her out of her sulk, her magic feathery wand came out from storage.

"Maxie, come play," I called.

"Hmmph!" she responded, not looking. Of course, that didn't last long... 

Look what I've got, kitty.

You know you want it

Following some waving, Maxie finally caved in and stop resisting. Below are some pics of her camwhoring. ;-)

I doubt if Maxie could resist her wand for long. It's the cure all for her kitty sulks and listlessness. Hehehe.

Once we got her out of her slump, she started showing an interest again in the world around her. From a "go away I don't want to talk to you" cat, she became a "Ooh, what's that? And that? Or this? Ooooh birds!"

"Ooh, birds!"

Kitty finally got around to staking her claim on her domain again. Especially since Fiona was staying the toys and new things to own!

"All your stuff are belong to me!" she meowed at the gf.

"Your bag is mine"

"Your clothes are also mine"

"This bag is mine!"

"Er, Little Miss Kitty, you do know that that's Daddy's bag right?"

"What do you mean that's daddy's? Uh oh!"

Feigning exasperation, I took my bag away from her and Maxie scuttled off to the bedroom in embarrassment. I'm sure if cats could blush, she'd look like a tiger.

While I was gone during the day for lab work, Fiona decided to embark upon another cleaning project. Now, as my readers might recall, the last time the gf did this, a certain kitty's favourite resting places got well cleaned of cat fur. This time, the wily cat was ready for it!

"You leave my stuff alone!"

Note the "The Rock"-ish stare. If you smeelllllll-ell-ell-ell, what the cat is cooking?

Fiona wisely declined to challenge the princess. However, the joke's on Maxie as her daddy decided to wash her canvas bag bed anyway. Affronted and clearly blaming the newcomer, Maxie decided to administer some payback.

"I'm just going to give you a quick tug"


"Maxie, what are you doing?" I cried, espying the naughty kitty in mischief.

Startled, my scaredy cat made a beeline to kitty haven and did her best to be innocuous.

"I didn't do it. I'm cute, pet me!"

I resolved to keep a close eye on my misbehaving kitty, but thankfully the two females in my household had agreed to a mutually satisfactory relationship: Fiona gives treats and offers pettings, Maxie pretends not to enjoy the attention but secretly craves it.

Monday 10 November 2014

Kitty in Denial Wants Attention

It was a week of mixed feelings, as the family of stray cats I've been feeding (mummy + 3 kittens) was less a kitten after I found one limping with an injured paw and having crusted-over eyes and nose. It was a bittersweet moment when momma cat brought me to where I suspect the body of her dead kitten was discarded: the wilderness behind my apartment. Rest in peace, little kitten.

It took momma cat 4 days before she started eating again, and she is now back to normal with her remaining two kittens. As you can imagine, I didn't have much mood to do much in terms of Maxie entertainment over this period. As such, some of the events that I will relate in this blog are not my first hand experience.

Moving on, the gf came for a stay as the weekend swung over. Maxie remembers her, of course, but nevertheless, Fiona was still subjected to the princess's "I shall pretend I don't know you and freak out from every single thing you do until you acknowledge I am the mistress of this house" act.

Maxie took her role as slave driver seriously, as she only permitted Fiona to remain in the house after forcing the gf to feed her treats and to play games with her.

"I'm going to hide in this box and sulk until you leave, or pamper me."
"You WILL entertain me, human!"

After trying in vain to get her out of her box, Fiona finally caught on to kitty's mind control instructions. Out came the toys...!
*bat bat*
Kitty thinks Fiona passed her entrance exam.

After agreeing to accept (again) Fiona into the household, Maxie started subtly asserting her role as the dominant female. If Fiona and I were busy with stuff, ie watching the telly, cooking, etc; Her Highness would kick up a racket of loud meows, demanding attention from her subjects. The moment I scrambled to find her, she'd walk away with tail high up in the air, self-satisfaction evident.

Fiona was not spared from this either, as when she's occupied with her phone, the cat would sneak up quietly then do a credible imitation of a jack-in-a-box.

"Whacha doing? Why aren't you feeding me treats?"

Another funny episode that occurred involving both Maxie and Fiona. We were using the store room pretty often, and curious kitty liked to poke her nose into the store room. It is usually an exercise in patience to get her to come out of the store room after I'm done with it, so I tend to try to prevent her from going in there in the first place.

As Fiona stepped into the store, Maxie made to follow. I called out to her, "Maxie, who's a busybody then?"

Would you believe it, the cat sat on her haunches and looked at Fiona, as if saying "Her! Who else?"

I guffawed. The noise made Fiona ask what happened, and so I replied. Full of indignation, the gf mock scolded the cat. "Hey, what do you mean I'm the busybody? Everybody knows it's you!"

Maxie meowed back huffily and went to complain to me, with the mistaken belief that Daddy would take her side. "Daddy, tell her I'm no a busybody!"

"Uhm, princess, you kinda are? Remember when I got that box a few weeks ago? Remember when I changed the sheets? What about the time when I tried to pack my bag?" I couldn't resist rubbing it in.

"You're all bullying me! Mrrooowwwll! Fine! I'm a busybody," wailed my little kitty and she retreated to sulk on the couch. 

Hiding face in shame

Nothing some anchovy treats won't fix though. Til next time, readers!

Monday 3 November 2014

Curious Kitty

Hey peeps!

I bought an air "purifier" aromatherapy diffuser the other day on the advice of the gf, as it could be used as an insect repellant with the correct scent.  Predictably, a certain somebody insisted on examining the minutiae of the new addition to the house.

What's in the box?

First came the box investigation. I managed to remove the contents before surrendering the box to the kitty inspector.

Only way to be sure is to make a thorough examination!
Yes, even the flaps.

Alright, this box seems kosher. Good job, deliverymen!

Satisfied with the box, Maxie missed my carrying the diffuser off to be washed and prepped for its test run. Before she knew it, I've had things properly set up and it was whirring happily on the floor. Kitty was enthralled by water bubbling within its bowl.


Can't take her eyes off it...

Hypnotising water....

"I wonder if there's any fish inside?"

It took her awhile, but she eventually lost interest in the buzzing purifier/diffuser. We settled down for our nightly sleep...or at least I did, could never be certain what Maxie is up to.

The next dawn found me sleepily fumbling for the switch to turn off the diffuser, and after emerging from my morning ablutions feeling barely human, I found my princes staring perplexedly at the water bowl.
"Why did it stop buzzing? Did I break it?"

"Silly kitty. I just turned it off, that's all," I reassured her.

"Really? You mean it wasn't what I did last night?" she meowed nervously.

"What DID you do last night?" I gave her a sharp look.

"Meow," came the reply. And that, in Maxie's lingo, was the end of any discussion.

I left it at that, there was no sense pursuing a subject when kitty was in no mood to talk about it. I'm certain I'll find out just what she did, in time.

I did visit mum after getting the diffuser, as the main reason for making the purchase was due to her catching dengue (she's all better now, thank you), and I'd wanted her to have some mosquito repellant at home. She recently came back from a trip and got me a pretty little trinket to decorate my room, which I hung upon the door to my bathroom.

Mum was sure Maxie would find it fascinating, whereas I, on the other hand, said she'd probably ignore it. Goes to show that wisdom comes with age as I caught kitty staring at it...

"What's that?"

I finally got her attention prised away from the new decoration with something that works for most parents: electronic entertainment! And I shall bid my readers adieu while I enjoy "Big Miracle" with my kitty, however long it may hold her attention.

Ooh, movie!