Tuesday 9 December 2014

Kitty Travel Companion

Whassup peoples!

I had to attend a cousin's wedding over the weekend, so the blog is a bit delayed due to traveller's fatigue (yes, I made that up, so sue me).

Anyway, as it was an extended trip, we decided to make a drive out of it. So the missus and I, bundled with the princess, made our way south in my trusty automobile. All pics courtesy of Fiona, my valiant photographer!

Ooh, I haven't been here for awhile!

It took Maxie a good while to get her nerves under control before she ventured out of her bag, and onto the cushion mat. The little kitty really does detest being brought out of her comfort zone.

What's on the left?
What's on the right?

Do I know you?

We sped merrily along, and in time kitty got over her jitters. As was her wont, she started complaining when cars overtook us on the fast lane...

Go faster!
Daddy, you do know that EVERYBODY is driving faster than you, right? RIGHT??? (inset: Fiona's hand calming the irate kitty down)

"Daddy! You're embarrassing me! Go faster, please?" whined Maxie forlornly.

"Maxie, I'm at the speed limit. I can't go any faster or I'll get fined!" I protested indignantly.

"Fine!" mrowled Maxie.

10 minutes later...

Are we there yet?

Fiona and I ignored her sulks and mutterings as best as we could, making conversation to ease the boredom. Undeterred, the intrepid feline sought to engage our attention using some acrobatics.

I am tiger, hear me roar!


Are you not entertained, hoomanz?

We ignored her, and no doubt this triggered the next set of antics.

Old MacDonald had a farm...and on his farm he had a cat.

With a meow meow here...

...and a meow meow there

Here a meow...
...there a meow

Everywhere meow meow!

"Maxie, that's enough! You're annoying me!" I snapped, annoyed.

"But I'm bored!" she replied.

Seething, I put on some songs, choosing some nice slow ballads to try to lull the cabin fevered kitty to sleep. This was a mistake, as she decided to sing-along with off-key mews, making a tragic comedy of the situation. In desperation, I put on some rock songs instead...

Me likes rock songs....

So soothing and relaxing...

Okay....so that was interesting. When I dropped Fiona off at the customs, this sight greeted us:

Too much rock..can't wake....say...bye...zzzzz

It was in this comatose state that I brought kitty home to mum's, and unloaded everything and cat into the house. Right before I tried to settle down for nap, I heard a plaintive meow.

Daddy, can we go for a car ride again?

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