Monday 1 December 2014

Maxie Loves New Stuff!

Maxie finally got used to the new stuff at home, and was able to settle down on the floor mats without trying to "make sure" they're dead.

Soft floor mat

However, poor kitty was not allowed any respite, as I popped open the box of toys that her godmother Rainbow sent and out came a replica of one of her favourite kittenhood toys: a fluffy tail wand! (The original one did not survive kittenhood...)

Omg omg omg!


My little princess was transported! This toy was something she just could not get bored of. All it takes is a human's nudge to move it a milimetre, and kitty would come running. Just when I thought she'd be tired out from playing (I know I was!) and made to keep the wand, she'd come begging for more with her "I want that" chirrup. Geesh...this was a worse addiction than her pink kung fu feather wand!

While leaving her alone with her toys, I attached a wall hook to hang my new 2015 calender from the 5 dollar store. Kitty thought there was a bug on the wall and stopped her play to stare at it and made her "hunting" noise when she sees bugs or geckos.

"Daddy! There's a BUG on the wall!"

I held her up ala Simba in The Lion King so she could sniff at the new wall attachment, after which Maxie left it off the hook *snicker*. 

Speaking of shopping and new stuff, the gf loaded up on those feminine stuff like nail polish and things that I know not of, being a male and all that. We left it in the empty guest room, now that my good-for-nothing tenant has moved out, thinking no one would care about those stuff being in there until she returns home...

"Did you get these for me? I've always wanted feminine products!"

"Maxie! Those are Fiona-jiejie (big sister)'s stuff! Come away" I said.

"What do you mean, they're NOT for me?"

Kitty was acting all possessive and guard kitty-ish, so we left her alone until she got bored with things.

It's been 24 hours, still not bored. Hmm...

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